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They were probably so important to the Greeks that even wars were stopped while they took place.

Gradually the winners were respected throughout the western world.
- in 708 BC the Olympic Games included jumping, javelin throwing and wrestling
-1896 was the first Olympic Games in modern history were held in Athens, twelve nations participated
- Piere de Coubertin was a French historical who was proposed the first Olympic Games in modern history

- as for the Winter Olympics, the first were held in France in 1924

- 5 circles represent 5 continents

- the games are more of an international event, symbolizing peace (there is no fighting during the OG)

- the symbols include the Olympic flag and the Olympic fire

- the flag is white with five circles (yellow, red, green, blue, black) each standing for one of the continents
- symbols: the rings, flag, Flame and torch relay, medals



- at our school we have PE 2 hours a week
- we do: athletics/gymnastics, badminton, table tennis, football, baseball, volleyball, hop step jump, skip rope

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