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a healthy lifestyle

- we should have a good proportion of work and leisure time

- have a regular daily routine, sufficient sleep, take a rest, avoid overworking, avoid excitement, no smoking,

no or little alcohol, healthy, wholesome food, be on a diet, physical training, go in for sports, go for walks,

take a walk, jogging, harden the body

- vegetarians - do not eat meat, some of them do eat poultry and fish

- vegans – do not eat any animals products at all, no eggs, milk, butter or yogurt

- in my opinion it is not healthy at all, it is not natural because a human body needs proteins

and vitamins which are contained in meat or milk

-> wholesome food

- enough/a lot of vitamins, eat fruit and raw vegetables, drink good water

- eat slowly, take time to eat, eat more times a day in small amounts, and eat at a nicely set table

- not eat smoked meat and sausages (or a little), not drink spirits, little salt and spices, little or no caffeine

- eat preferably lean meat, fish, poultry, cereals, fibrous food, and dark bread instead of white flour pastries,

vegetable oil and butter

- avoid fat meat, animal fat and high calorie dish

an unhealthy lifestyle

- heavy alcoholic, eating unhealthy foods, no doctor’s checkups, engaging in extreme sports , yoyo diet and fad diet, lots of stress and stressful situations, lack of exercise, smoking, not taking your medicines

keeping fit

- take exercises, maintaining a balanced diet, gaining willpower and motivation

- we should lead such a way of life to keep our mind and body in a perfect state and balance!!!

human body

- head: face, hair, eyes, eye lid, ears, cheeks, chin, mouth, lips, tooth/teeth, tongue, neck/throat,

forehead [forid], eye brows [ai brauz], eye lashes [lae/iz], temple [tempi]

- trunk: back, bottom/backside/buttocks, waist, hips, belly/tummy, navel, chest, breast, abdomen

- limbs [limz]: leg, thigh [tai], knee [ni:], calf/calves [ka:f, ka:vz], shin ankle [änkl], foot/feet, heel [hi:l],

sole [soul], toe, big toe arm, shoulders [šauldz], armpit, elbow [elbau], forearm, wrist [rist],

hand, palm [pa:m], fingers (thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger), genitals

- skeleton [skelitn]: backbone, bone [baun], joint [džoint], rib [rib], skull [skal]

- internal organs: nervous system, nerve, brain, spinal cord [spainl ko:d, blood vessels [vesalz],

arteries [a:teriz], veins [veinz], blood cell [sel] muscle [masl], tendon [tendan],

ligament [ligamnt], gland [gländ], thyroid gland [tairo'id] heart, lungs [langz],

bronchi [bronkai], stomach [stamak], intestines [intestinz], large and small intestine,

appendix, liver [live], gall bladder [go:l bäde], kidneys [kidniz], bladder [bläda],

spleen [spli:n] blood, urine [ju:rin], stool [stu:l], saliva [sa'laiva], bile [bail]


medical care in our country

- medical care in our country is free of charge, although there are now many private doctors. We do not pay for prescription or for some medicines. But for other medicines, especially for those from abroad, we must to pay.

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