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gallbladder and liver disorders

Mariálské lázně - with its numerous parks and flower beds which came it one of the most attractive Czech spa town

- it is a popular venue for patients suffering from kidney disorders, asthma or nervous diseases

Františkovy lázně - is located in the middle of woods and parks

- it is a famous spa for patients with women and heart diseases


at the doctor

- If we still feel unwell, we finally decided to see a physician who is called General Practitioner (GP).

It is better to make an appointment with the doctor in his surgery time (during his office hours) if we want to avoid long waiting in the waiting room which may often be crowded.

Then the nurse says "Next please" and invites us into the consulting room; The nurse has to look for our medical record and wants to see our insurance card and then takes our temperature. Then we are ready to enter the surgery (consulting room).

The doctor usually asks what the trouble is and then asks us to strip to the waist because he or she must examine our chest and throat. The doctor wants to know if we have a temperature, a good appetite and where we feel pain. Then he or she listens to our lungs and heart and we have to take a deep breath or stop breathing according to his orders. He also wants us to open our mouth and say "Ah" to see if our tonsils are red. Sometimes he or she checks the blood pressure and feels the pulse, takes the blood count and throat culture or puts urine through lab tests. We have to say how we feel, if we have a headache, a sore throat, a cold, a cough, or if we are sick and hoarse.

Finally the doctor diagnoses the case and therapy and prescribes a medicine. Most often we suffer from a common infection such as flu, tonsillitis, bronchitis or pneumonia.

At the pharmacy (at the chemist´s in Britain) we get antibiotics, vitamins, pain relievers and gargle. We can also buy some medicinal herbs to prepare herbal tea.

In more serious cases of if we get injured we can call the doctor to our home. Sometimes we may be taken to hospital by an ambulance.


- treatment: dental check up, have toothache, a painful tooth, drill a rotten [rom] tooth, fill the tooth,

crown a tooth, make/fix a denture [denča], make/fix a brace [breis]/braces, uneven teeth,

wisdom tooth, the tooth comes loose, sound teeth


- mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, artificial breathing, stop bleeding, fix a fracture, apply a plaster cast,

be badly hurt, get injured, injure one's hand, hurt oneself, death by browning

- injures/bites – we should cash the wound, then disinfect and bandage paster over

- bleeding – me must necessary stop bleeding and with a serious injury go to the doctor

- burns – we must cold to the burns and covered with a sterile bandage or we risk an infection

- cuts – we must necessary stop bleeding and go to the doctor

- electric shock – in some case we may not touch the wounded

Témata, do kterých materiál patří