The History of European Architectural Styles
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The History of European Architectural Styles
-from the 6th to the 11th century
-massive walls (masivní stěny)
-small windows
-round arches (kulaté oblouků)
-sturdy pillars (solidní pilíře)
-barrel (hlaveň)
-groin vaults (hlubinné sklepy)
-6-9 meters inner diameter (vnitřní průměr)
-apsis was directed toward the east (směřovaná na východ)
-3 or 4 apsides were glued to the central circle (přilepeny k centrálnímu kruhu)
-back in the 12
th and 13th centuries
-evolved in Northern France
-building skills were extremely limited
-stone castles and cathedrals were dark, cold and damp (vlhké)
-created light, pleasant and airy buildings (světlé, příjemné a vzdušné budovy)
-include the pointed arch (špičatý oblouk)
-the ribbed vault (žebrovou klenbu)
-the flying buttress with pinnacles (vnější opěrný systém)
-the stained-glass window (vitráž)
-the gargoyle (chrlič)
Notre Dame in France
-began in Florence in Italy
-spread to other countries
-it started around 1350
-the arts and sciences underwent great changes (umění a vědy podstoupily velké změny)
-in architecture, these changes were marked by a return to the classical forms and proportions of
ancient Roman buildings
(v architektuře se tyto změny vyznačovaly návratem ke klasickým formám a proporcím starověkých
římských budov)
-places emphasis on symmetry, proportion, and geometry.
(je kladen důraz na symetrii, proporci a geometrii.)
-stuccoed architecture bricks were significantly widespread
(štukovaná architektura a cihly byly rozšířené)
-sgraffito was used for decor (Sgrafito bylo použito pro výzdobu.)
paint, sculpt, rebirth
Famous people:
Leonardo Da Vinci-Mona Lisa, The last supper
Shakespeare-Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet
-evolved in the early 17
th century in Rome (vyvíjeno)
-the main characteristic of Baroquw art is dynamism (a sence of motion)
-buildings, mainly churches, were built to express the triumph of the Catholic Church
(aby vyjádřily triumf katolické církve)
sculpture - plastika
column - sloup
dome - kupole
cross - kříž
tower - věž
clock - hodiny
niche - nika
storey - patro
cornice - římsa
stairs – schodiště
pediment - trojúhelníkový štít
rose window - kruhové zdobné okno
-revival of Classical architecture
-it evolved during the 18
th and early 19th centuries
-geometric forms
-Greek or Roman detail use of columns and a preference for blank walls (sloupy a prázdné stěny)
-reaction to the excesses of the Rococo style (reakci na excesy rokokového stylu)