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15. The CR and EU

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Jaromír Jágr and goalkeeper Dominik Hašek are the most famous sportsmen at present. They helped the Czech team to get the Olympic Gold in Nagano in 1998. Martina Navrátilová has won Wimbledon nine times.

A brilliant novelist, journalist, and playwright, Karel Čapek, coined the word robot in his play R.U.R.

Many excellent composers were born in the Czech Republic. Antonín Dvořák, the author of Slavonic Dances, Bedřich Smetana is well known for his symphonic poem Vltava (The Moldau).

The European Union is an organization of 27 European states. Its headquarters is in Brussels, Belgium. Generally, its purpose is economic integration and common policies. “A family of democratic countries, committed to working together for peace and prosperity“

The symbols of the EU:

  • Flag – The 12 stars in a circle on a blue background symbolize the ideals of unity and harmony among the people of Europe

  • Anthem – The melody symbolizing the EU comes from the Ninth Symphony composed by Ludwig Van Beethoven, it’s called Ode to Joy

  • Motto – united in diversity – promote collaborating across different nationalities

  • Official language – English, French

  • Currency – Euro are using 17 of 27 countries in EU


  • EU Commission - proposes laws and monitors EU budget; president - Jean-Claude Juncker

  • EU Council - creates political agenda of the EU and represents the highest level of political cooperation between EU countries; president – Donald Tusk

  • EU Parliament - directly elected organ with legislative, budgetary and supervisory powers

Advantages – economy support and protection, don’t need a passport while travelling, open borders (Schengen area), increasing tourism

Disadvantages – economic crises, not stable state budget, dependence on EU


Ore Mountains - Krušné hory

Eagle Mountains - Orlické hory

Highland – vysočina

Fertile lowlands - úrodné nížiny

watershed – rozvodí

drainage areas – úmoří

eventful – rušný

medieval – středověký

silver deposits – naleziště stříbra

chateaux – zámek

chamber – komora

The House of Deputies - poslanecká sněmovna

branch – odvětví

government – vláda

election – volby

to appoint – jmenovat

roots – prameny

united in diversity – jednotná v rozmanitosti

supervisory - dozorčí

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