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- the old man taught the boy to fish and he loved him and looked after him

- but they had bad luck for forty days and caught no fish -> Manolin’s parents told the boy to go to another boat

- the old man set out at the sea alone

- finally, after a terrible struggle, he hooked a giant marlin and made it fast to the boat

- soon the first sharks appeared and attacked the fish -> Santiago killed many of them but by the time he

reached his homeport, there was nothing left of the fish but its skeleton

- Santiago was exhausted and his hands were bleeding but he was happy because he didn’t give up his fight

- this novel ends with words: “A man can be destroyed but not defeated”

- the fight of the old man with the fish and sharks symbolizes the never-ending struggle of a man with nature

- though defeated in reality, Santiago wins morally because he went on fighting


- Karel Čapek is known for introducing the word “robot” in his play R.U.R.

- Milan Kundera reached international fame with his novels The Unbearable Lightness of Being and Immortality

- Jaroslav Seifert was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

- Jan Amos Komenský was an important educational theorist and reformer in the 17th century. He is considered the

father of modern education.


Of Mice and Men

The book Of Mice and Men is written by John Steinbeck and it is the best book which I have ever read.

I couldn’t resist and I was burning the midnight oil last weekend.

The main characters are George and Lennie. George is an intelligent man taking care of Lennie and Lennie is a bulky, strong man but mentally disabled. They ran away from their last job on a ranch and find a new job on another ranch, because they want to save enough money to buy their own ranch. After some time Lennie accidentally kills a woman and therefore her husband wants to kill his. But George doesn’t want to Lenny suffer and shut him first.

I think this book is worth reading because it is thrilling, moving and one realizes how a friendship is important for life. Although it has a dramatic ending, I recommend this book to everyone.


- I have read a lot of books in my life. I’m a book worm.

- When I was younger, I used to burn the midnight oil and my parents were furious.

- I prefer modern authors to classic.

- I enjoy exciting, thrilling, moving, stories.

- I think that a good book holds your attention from the beginning to the end.

- I can’t stand depressive, slow-moving stories with a complicated plot. I often leave such a book halfway through.

- I don’t like books that are tedious and too much descriptive.

- Romances don’t appeal to me at all. I suppose they are unreal and naive. It’s absolute trash.

- The books is written by.... It ranks among his best and widely read.

- The story is set in the late seventies in Madrid.

- The main character is......

- I liked the book for many reasons:

- The story is gripping, action-packed, with surprising turn at the end.

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