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The United States of America is the third largest country in the world (after Russia and Canada). It covers and area of almost 10 million square kilometres. It is also the third biggest country by population (after China and India). The population of the USA is about 320 million people. It is located in North America. It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Pacific Ocean in the west. It borders Canada in the north and Mexico in the south. The capital of the USA is Washington, D. C.

The USA consists of 50 states. The largest of these states by area is Alaska. The biggest of these states by population is California. Each state has its own state capital and state government. It also has a nickname. For example, Florida is called the Sunshine State, Arizona is called the Grand Canyon State, and Texas is called the Lone Star State.

There are high mountains and long rivers in the USA. The Rocky Mountains are the largest mountain range in the USA. Other large mountain ranges in the USA are the Appalachian Mountains and the Sierra Nevada. The highest mountain in the USA is Mount McKinley in Alaska. It is more than 6,000 metres high. The longest rivers in the USA are the Missouri and the Mississippi rivers. There are also five very large lakes on the border between the USA and Canada – Huron, Michigan, Erie, Ontario and Superior. They are called the Great Lakes. Between two of these lakes there are the famous Niagara Waterfalls. The lowest point in the USA is the Death Valley.

There is no official language in the USA but most people speak English as their first language. The second most common language is Spanish.


Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492 and met the native Americans (Indians) there. Settlement by Europeans was slaw. The first English colony was founded in Virginia in 1607.

In the 18th century there were thirteen colonies along the Atlantic Coast which were under British rule. West of these was French territory extented to the Rocky Mountains. This territory was called New France. There were wars between two rivals – the British and the French – which lasted for many years and cost Britain great sums of money.

In July 4, 1776, the representatives of the original thirteen colonists adopted and George Washington was elected as the first President of the USA.

In the 19th century more then ten million new settlers arrived from Europe(English, Irish, Scottish, Germans)

In the 20th century emigration continued and the largest number of immigrants has come from Latin Americ , especially Mexico and Asia, Vietnam, Korea and China. World War II. Brought many Jewish refugees.

In 1945 the USA was the strongest country in the world. Its money and atomic bombs became dangerous for the Soviet Union.

The Cold war between the two countries began the most important events of this war were the birth of NATO in 1949 (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and alliance of Western Europe. Cold war ended in 1989 with the collapses of communism.

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