Enviroment, Natural Disasters
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Environment, Natural Disasters
Enviroment includes plants, animals, air, water, our civilization etc.
We could say that is everything what is around us.
Enviroment is influenced by processes in nature, but mainly by aktivity of people.
Floods (Povodně)
Are generally caused by long heavy rains or when a lot of snow melt in the spring and water run
down from mountains.
This water flood towns, roads and their surroundings.
The flood damage houses, bridges, road and kill people and animals who don’t run away.
FiresBurns also everything what is on the way.
It’s caused by someone’s inattention or by dry, hot season.
Wind helps to extend the fire.
But fire brigade try to stop catastrophe.
I think this profession i sone of the most dangerous at all.
Hurricanes and tornadoesAre caused by pressure changes in the atmosphere.
We can meet with this phenomena often in area of Caribbean sea.
The speed of hurricane can reaches up 119 km/hour.
It’s very strong wind destroying everything on the way.
EarthquakesThe movement of the lithospheric boards caused earthquakes and explosions (eruptions) of
volcanoes. (Pohyb litosférických desek způsobil zemětřesení a výbuchy sopky.)
In the course of earthquake the land is crashing and shaking. (země se rozpadá a třese se)
Buildings fall down and everybody is in danger. (budovy spadají a všichni jsou v nebezpečí)
Earthquake under the ocean can cause a big tidal wave which floods the coast.
(Zemětřesení pod oceánem může způsobit velkou přílivovou vlnu, která zaplavuje pobřeží.)
On the other hand, the volcanoes produce a lot of dust, smoke and lava which pours out and burns
everything what is in the land's surface.
(Na druhé straně sopky vytvářejí spoustu prachu, kouře a láva, které vylévají a spalují vše, co je na
povrchu země.)
Air pollutionIs the biggest problém in large cities and in areas with concentrated industrial production.
(koncentrovanou průmyslovou výrobu)
Emissions range from smoke, dust, and smells to car and lorry exhausts.
Substance such as sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide mix with the air moisture and than acid rain
falls down onto trees and slowly kill them.
Trees are very important for us, because they produce oxygen for breathing.
A big danger in nowadays is destruction of rain forests for building materials.
Water pollutionWater is polluted by households, indrustrial processes, by pesticides and other chemicals used in
agriculture, by waste and ships.
(Voda je znečištěna domácnostmi, průmyslovými procesy, pesticidy a dalšími chemickými látkami
používanými v zemědělství, odpadem a loděmi.)
We should find technologies for saving water, reduce chemical fertilizers, control industrial
(Měli bychom najít technologie pro úsporu vody, snížení chemických hnojiv, řízení průmyslových