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18 Science and technology, great personalities

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What are the different fields of science and what are they concerned with?

One field of science is chemistry, which studies the composition of chemicals such as molecules and their properties. Another field of science is physics, which studies laws of nature such as heat, motion, gravity, magnetism, electricity, and so on. Next field of science is biology, which deals with plants and animals. It also studies cells, chromosomes, genes, and DNA.

What benefits does science bring?

Science increases our understanding and knowledge of the world. It shows how the world and universe work. It is the most reliable way of showing what is true or false and it can make our lives better. Science improves living conditions in the form of technology or medicine.

What is the difference between discovery and invention?

Discovery means coming across something that already exists (e.g. the law of gravity) while invention refers to creating something new (e.g. a telephone).

Who were some famous scientists and what did they discover or invent?

One famous scientist was Isaac Newton, who first developed the idea of gravity and the laws of motion. Nicholas Copernicus was the first person to theorize that the Earth revolved around the Sun. Galileo Galilei later proved this with a telescope. Marie Curie developed the theory of radioactivity and discovered new elements, polonium, and radium. And Albert Einstein developed the theory of relativity, which described the nature of gravity in relation to space and time. Another one is, for example, Alexander Graham Bell, who was a Scottish-born scientist, and he invented the first practical telephone. And Thomas Edison, is widely acknowledged as the inventor of the lightbulb

What were some of the most significant inventions in human history and why?

Some of the most significant inventions in human history are:

  • the wheel because it allowed people to transport goods or themselves quickly and over great distance with less effort.

  • Penicillin because it kills bacteria and has saved lots of lives. It was discovered by Alexander Fleming, a Scottish physician

  • X-ray technology because it allows us to look inside the human body. X-rays were discovered by Wilhelm Roentgen.

  • the internal combustion engine because it improved transportation and allowed people and goods to travel even further.

  • the telephone because it allowed people to communicate over long distances.

  • the computer because it allows people to calculate difficult sums quicker and store lots of information.

  • the internet because it connects people all over the world and enables people to access a huge quantity of information quickly.

Which invention can you not live without?

The invention I cannot live without is my computer because it allows me to play games, use the internet, communicate with friends, and do my schoolwork. I also cannot live without my mobile because I can be in contact with friends and family all the time. I also need my iPod / MP3 player because it stores all my music and my digital camera because I love taking photographs. Television is also important for me because I need it to relax and I love television shows.

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