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5. Maturitní téma - United States

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Capital city: Washington D.C. (D.C. = Direct of Columbia)

Other important cities:

  • New York

  • Philadelphia - Declaration of Independence

  • Miami

  • Los Angeles - Holywood, film industry

  • Las Vegas - casinos, slot machines, gambling

  • San Francisco - Golden Gate Bridge

  • Boston - Harvard university, city of universities

  • Seatle - Boeing is produced there

  • New Orleans - home town of JAZZ and BLUES

  • Detroit/Chicago - car

Geographic position: The country is situated in the middle of the North American continent. Between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. It borders Canada, Mexico and Russia

Area: US occupies the area of 9.3 mil. sq. km

Subdivision: 50 states - each of theme has got it´s own government and legislation.

Population: US has something about 300 mil. inhabitants. Many of theme are of European descent and of African descent. There are also large Hispanic community and people from Russia, Poland, Asia etc.


  • flag - On the top left corner, on the blue background is 50 stars. These stars represent the 50 states of the US. 13 stripes (red and white) which represent the founding colonies.

  • currency - american dollar

  • eagle

  • anthem

  • constitution

Political system: a federal republic

  • president

    • Barack Obama

    • strong and powerfull

    • head of the army and the government

    • is elected by people

  • government

    • ministry = department

  • the Congress

    • the Senate (100 representatives)

    • House of representatives (435 members)


  • the Democrats

  • the Republicans


  • Protestants

  • other - Jewish, Islam...

International organization: US belongs to -

  • NATO (=North Atlantic Treaty Organization) - NATO is an organization, which protect the members countries before the potencial attack by the thirdth countries.

  • G8 (=eight most economically developed country)

  • UN (=United Nations)

  • WTO (=World Trade Organization)

Industries and agriculture:

  1. products of pride

    • cars - car industry (Dodge, Ford...)

    • Boeing - air craft industry

    • IT (Microsoft, Apple, IBM...)

    • Si -> semiconductors -> mobil...

    • pharmaceutical industry (pils...)

    • film, food, clothes and oil industry

  2. agriculture

    • eastern part

    • strong agriculture

Climate: large country => several climatic zones

  • subtropical climate in the South (SE)

  • dry and desert areas in central America

  • colder areas in the North

  • continental climate x oceanic climate (more rain, stable temperature)


  • western part -> mountaineas/hilly/highlands

  • eastern part -> lowlands

  • the Rocky mountains / the Rockies

  • the Sierra Nevada

  • the Appelachian mountains

  • Mt. McKinley in Alaska - 6 194 m

  • Missoury, Chio, Mississippi, Yukon, Colorado, Rio Grande

  • between USA and Canada is border lakes (Rio Grande)


  • landbridge between Siberia and Alaska

  • 1492 - Christopher Columbus discovered New World

  • the North American continent was colonized by the British/Spanish/French/Dutch

  • 1775 - 13 colonies declared independence

  • 7 December 1941 - Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

  • 1945 - the US dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and 3 days later on Nagasaki, Japan

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