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5. Maturitní téma - United States

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Places of interest:

  • Harvard University

    • Harvard University was founded in 1636 and is the oldest university in the United States. Harvard located in Cambridge and Harvard is one of the most prestigious universities in the United States. As a private University is also a member of the Ivy League. Harvard is one of the most prestigious schools in the world. Regularly placed on top of the ranking of the world's best universities. With Harvard, relates many famous people, historical and contemporary. At Harvard University, studied eight U.S. presidents, and only since 1965, gained its staff and alumni 38 Nobel Prizes.

  • Hollywood Walk of Fame

    • Hollywood Walk of Fame is a sidewalk on Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street in Los Angeles. There is more than 2,000 five-pointed stars with names and surnames of celebrities of movie, music and television. The first star is for the actress Joanne Woodward. Sidewalk company caters to the Hollywood Historic Trust. Terms that are needed to obtain the star, are agreed to organize the ceremony and pay $ 25 000 (about 450 000 CZK) to this ceremony.

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