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19. Eating Habits, Czech Cuisine

  • Food is life’s great pleasure. Prove or disapprove.

  • Bad eating habits and their consequences

  • What constitutes (znamenat) a healthy diet?

  • What is Czech cuisine famous for?

Czech people usually eat light meal in the morning and evening, the biggest meal we have at lunch. Sometimes, people don’t eat a breakfast or they even skip a lunch and then they eat a lot for a dinner. This is a very unhealthy bad eating habit, because it is known, that eating less, but often is the best way. But I hope that sometimes it doesn’t matter. What can make me angry more is eating in standing position. This is absolutely bad eating habit! It causes many gastric problems. I hope that food is something, what we have to enjoy every day. It should be a pleasure for us, because it might give us a better mood and it gives us a energy.

Czech cuisine is basically meat-based. One of the starter is my favourite pickled sausage utopenec). From the main meal I have to mention svíčková, which is made of tenderloin in a sweet creamy sauce. Than it is goulash, which is usually served with dumplings. Another famous dish is roasted pork with sauerkraut (kysané zelí) and dumplings or obviously, řízek. It is breaded and fried pork or chicken. What about the desserts? I should mention pancakes, strudel or porridge (=krupicová kaše).

Now let me tell be a small patriot and tell you a few words about Czech specialties. It is bread, what is a traditional accompaniment to soups or dishes. I must say a little bit proudly, that I hope that in the Czech Republic we can find the best bread. I tried in another countries, but as they don´t eat a bread as a main dish (like Czechs for a dinner sometimes), it is always a bit more sweet than Czech.

Another specialty is mushrooms. I hope that they are very favourite in the Czech Republic, especially to pick up them. The most known mushroom is bolete (hřib). There are people, who prefer to pick up them, but they don´t eat them. Those one (as me), who likes them; one of the dish from mushrooms is smaženice. It is shallow-fried mushrooms with onion and species.

To be honest, I don’t prefer Czech cuisine much. For me it is too much fatty. I mean that I don´t follow some diet, but I don’t like it (of course there are exceptions, such as pancakes). I hope that a health diet consist to stay fit, sport a lot and eat regularly. I’m not a fan of a diet of eating nothing or only a few thinks.

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