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Health and diseases

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4.MO – Health and medical treatment

- diseases and health problems – illnesses, injuries

- what to do when you fall ill/you are injured

- madical care, at the doctor´s


  1. Úvod – (ne)zdravý životní styl: jídlo, zlozvyky, pití, spánek…

  2. Nemoci, které z toho vedou – příklady/co mám často já – jak je léčit (co dělat)

  3. (ne)zdravý životní styl: pohyb

  4. Zranění/co jsem měla já – jak je léčit (co dělat)

  5. Prevence

  6. Návštěva u doktora

  7. Závěr

  1. Vše, co bychom neměli dělat, jíst a pít

  2. Vypsat příklady nemocí co z jakého návyku může vzniknout (3) běžné nemoci – prochladnutí, chřipka, rýma, …. čím jsem onemocněla já (1 lehčí, 1 těžší nemoc) jak jsem se léčila

  3. Krátce o sportu

  4. Zranění, které jsou ve sportu častá co jsem měla já jak jsem to léčila

  5. Co dělat abychom předešli zranění co dělat abychom předešli onemocnění

  6. Popsat, jak to chodí u doktora (co s sebou, průběh)

  7. Shrnout

  1. Our health is really important. First step for improving our health is getting rid of the bad habits as smoking, eating fatty food, drinking fizzy drinks and not sleeping well. It is important to get rid of them because they can lead to various diseases.

  2. If you are smoker there is many different diseases you can get. High part of them is really serious. For example breathing problems as asthma but also lungs cancer, tongue cancer or larynx (hrtan) cancer. But smokers can also inflict (přivodit) some disease to surrounding people like parents to their kids. Then is also important to eat healthy because if you are lover of fast foods it can easily lead to obesity and obese people have higher risk of having diabetes, higher blood pressure or cardiac and vascular diseases. Then is necessary to sleep a lot, at least 7 or 8 hours per day. Because if you have long lasting sleeping problems you can have depressions, fatigue syndrom (únavový syndrom) and chronic sleeplessness can lead to several addictions. But even healthy lifestyle doesn´t mean no diseases. You can get simply cold or for example have congenital (vrozenou) disease. I am personally not often ill. In my life I have only few diseases. Only thing that I have chronically is a hay fever on springtime at this time it is important for me to always have hankie (kapesník), pills and eyedrops in my bag. Then in my opinion the worst disease that I ever had was tonsillitis (angína). I was at home for quite long time and had antibiotic.

  3. And now I am healthy and that is most important. But we can´t forget that our body need to be healthy from inside but also from the outside. So, I want to talk about sport and injuries that are part of it.

Because sport should be definitely part of our live.

  1. Someone who don´t do any sport and just go running from time to time can have problem with pulled (natažený) or strained (namožený) muscles. So, it is necessary to stretch your body before and after every exercise and if it is possible, exercise regularly (pravidelně). But then are here people who do some sport really often or even professionally and unfortunately it can lead to several injuries. In football it is for example problems with knees

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