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2. Maturitní téma - Prague

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National Museum

The museum was founded in 1818 and it was called the Patriotic Museum in Bohemia. It´s situated in Wilson street in the upper part of the Wenceslas Square. It is a Neo-Renaissance building designed by Josef Schulz. The building is closed from July 2011 for four years due to reconstruction. Part of the National Museum is also a library. We can also find there the manuscripts and old prints.

What does Prague offers to visitors from abroad?

There is a Prague Castle with very beautiful places, for example: Spanish Hall, Rudolph Gallery and Vladislav Hall (where the election of the President takes place). From the Castle tourists can admire the city below with the roofs of Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque houses and hundreds of church spires for which Prague is famous. Other interesting places: St. Vitus Cathedral, Lesser Town, Old Town (with the John Hus Monument, the Týn Church, the Old Town Hall with an astronomical clock), Charles Bridge, Petrin tower, Charles University, Jewish Town, the Powder Tower (with the burial of famous personalities of the Czech culture and political life), Vyšehrad castle, the National Theatre, Wenceslas Square (with St. Wenceslas Memorial and the National Museum).

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