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UK political system

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- we dont really see one event

- slow evolution of certain events

- Magna Charta – 1215, King John

- people wanted to force the king to make decisions

- not to be punish for rebelling

- it separate idea that justice is above the king

- Parliament (set up idea that justice is independent)

- there should be some advice given to the king

- 1340s separation of two houses

- House of lords (stop check) and House of commons

- Wigan/wicca = sm like parliament, council of most important people

- they would choose next king where there was not one

- early 13th century, modern state comes from this time

- 1215 Parliament is established, establishment of House of lords

- representing next level of society

- 17th century – Tudors

- modernized parliament

- Westminster

- central, London based

- Parliament makes decisions – speaker of the house

- The Civil War 1640s

- Parliament controlled by Puritans – round heads x Royalists (believe in Divine right of kings)

= believe that king is pointed by God, he has all rights

- do we really need the king? Limiting his powers and making parliament more powerful

- making money through trade – Merchant capitalism

- brief protectorate/republic

- Charles II. (po Charles I.) they let him have many powers as he likes, many mistresses he likes

- Parliament is going to be able to remove the King if need to

- James II. Of England 1685

- catholic

- parliament becomes split by political believe

- first political parties

- Tories x Whigs

- T- tradition of monarchy

- W- don’t like James II.

- agreement 1688 – James II. Is too much trouble

- they found William of Orange to be a king

- Bill of Rights = it establishes constitutional monarchy

- it lays down limits on the powers of the monarch and sets out the rights of Parliament

- unwritten constitution = it is written, but not in one document

- It is made up of European law → Parliamentary act

- 18th century union of English and Scottish Parliament

- early 1700s Scottish and British parliament become one

- time of George I. (German can’t speak English) → needs someone to represent his politics in Parliament → idea of prime minister – will be the leader of biggest group in parliament

- Tories x Whigs

- max 10% have the vote

- Industrial period, agricultural revolution

- 1850s

- majority of people don’t have political representation

- 3% of country has the vote

- votes can be sold and bought

- oligarchy, unrepresented

- reformist movements

- 1819 demonstration for democracy, Peterloo Massacre

- increase of suffrage – more representation, more men are given the vote

- 1899/1900 now working classes have real vote in politics

- socialist and reforming groups get together – Labour party

- three party system

- Whigs – The liberal party

- Tories – conservative party

- Labour party (smallest), after WW1, 1920s

- Liberal democrats

- Britain becomes democracy in 1918/1928 – unmarried women

- women under 30 unmarried need to wait to 1928 to have vote

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