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UK political system

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- Labour vs. conservatives – who is going to become more successful

- 1945 Labour – creation of full welfare state after WW2, offered people housing, employment benefit, state which would take care for you

- Churchill did not win the elections for prime minister, people voted against him

- creation of socialized country

- services under government control – coll mining

- 1950s-80s – trade unions are almost as powerful as government – miners

- industries decline, empire, new economies

- trades unions were guaranteed by government

- miners – if they are going to strike, they can stop the country

- post war consensus – we will have the welfare state

- democratic socialist labour party

- socialism – one nation conservatism

- another name for conservative party –

- transforming into multicultural society

- right win fog cons. Party – deeply against it

- over racism in politics

- n word for neighbour – labour

- race riots

- National front – 1970s rising of employment, Industrial decline, increasing of 1st gen of immigrants, Jamaica, rising of xenophobic way of resentment, immigrants work hard, 2nd gen want their rights , big wave of nationalism in 70s, nazi organization – National front, street confrontations, harassing people, on the street, leadership, it looked like they will be 3rd biggest force in British politics

- 1970 Labour are discredited, social chaos, mess

- Margaret Thatcher

- thatcherism

- process of privatization

- awakening of welfare state

- cutting bag housing benefit, social

- pensions being frozen

- cutting social services

- struction of trade unions

- council houses

- much more free market economy

- deregulation of the financial market in London (top 3, London, Tokyo, Wall Street)

- reaction to this

- constitutional changes

- 1975 referendum of joining in EEC

- 1992 EU – workers

- 2004 – after more countries joined EU – more workers from EU

- unwritten constitution – je written ale na vice palces

- EU law

- House of commons

- Brexit reasons –

1. sovereignty = suverenita – justification of Brexit

- peoples perception of these issues, perception of sovereignty – British mistacally believed that

- take back control

- fake news, miss representation of EU laws, campaign, miss information

- false narrating sovereinty

- why people wanted to leave EU

- cultural identity in a loss of přistěhovalci, homofobic fears

- lack of investment in health care – comes from Thatcherism

- xenophobic people

- 2008 – economic recession, crash

- rise on xenophobia – taking wages = mzdy

- David Cameron – EU referendum

- he thought he would be in coalition, politic ambitions, self interest

- protest vote based up on nationalism – middle, north, we want to change establishment = zřízení

- new political party – UKIP – N. Farage

- they win EU elections because no one voted

- conservative party was split – pro EU x against EU – internal problems in conservative party

- idea of British identity and soverency = důstojnost

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