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20. Health and body care

Stáhnout kompletní materiál zdarma (15.47 kB)

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  • COLD

    • symptoms: a sore throat, sneezing, a cough, blocked or runny nose

    • treatment: stay in bed, take cough drops, eat chicken soup, drink lot of tea

      • if you really feel bad for a long time you should go to the doctor

    • prevention: frequent hand washing, wearing warm clothes in winter, eating lots of fruits and vegetables

  • FLU

    • symptoms: a sudden fever, dry cough, headache, sore throat, vomiting, weakness

    • treatment: stay in bed until you feel better, keep yourself warm, drink lot of tea

      • you should go to a doctor if your symptoms ger worse or last longer than a week

    • prevention: flu vaccine, washing hands, staying at home during the flu epidemic


    • symptoms: headache, you feel dizzy, red and hot skin, muscle weakness, vomiting, disorientation

    • treatment: take a cold bath or cover the body with wet towels and drink lot of water

      • if you’re feeling really dizzy and unwell you should call an ambulance or go to hospital immediately

    • prevention: drink lot of water, stay out of the sun during the hottest days, wear a hat or cap



    • sit down, lean forward and pinch the soft part of your nose above your nostrils for at least 10-15 minutes

    • breathe through the mouth

    • put an ice pack to nose and cheeks

    • stay straight and don‘t lie down

    • if the bleeding eventually stops you won't need to go to a doctor


    • stop bleeding with pressure to the wound with a clean pad

    • avoid moving the broken arm

      • it may help to support it in a bandage that goes around the arm and around the neck

    • put an ice pack to the injured area

    • you have to go to the nearest hospital

  • CUTS

    • stop bleeding with pressure to the wound with a clean pad

    • clean the wound to reduce the chance of infection

    • wash the wound with clean water

    • put a plaster or bandage on the area

    • visit hospital if the cut is deep or over a joint

      • in that case the doctor will probably close the cut with stitches

Témata, do kterých materiál patří