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Jobs, proffessions - questions and answers

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Práce (jobs, proffessions)

  1. What mustn´t be missing in a good CV?

There mustn´t be missing our name and school or schools what we studied. And our degree.

There must be everything what we can do. Our retrainings and experience. And there must be something about aour practise if we have.

  1. What are your plans for the future?

After my maturita exam I´m going to find a good job. And I´m going to study the combined study on Faculty of Economics. I´d like to study and work at the same time.

Then I´d like to get married.

Then I´m going to find some better job. Maybe as a lawyer or manager. I´d like to earn a lot of money. I´m going to be rich. Because I´d like to travel around the world with my husband.

Then I´d like to have a baby. I´d like to have two babies.

  1. How would you dress if you went for a job interview?

I´d dress some formal clothes.

I know very well how formal clothes look like. Because I had to wear it every day in my school. I think it’s a very good experience.

So I´d dress a blouse and skirt, or dress or long black formal trousers with a sweater. I´d take a heel shoes maybe.

  1. Would you like to be a doctor? Why? Why not?

Yes, I’d like to be a doctor. 3 of my family members are working in a hospital. I really like it.

I think it’s really interesting and you never get bored. I like workinkg with people and I like helping them. And if you have good collegues it’s really a dream job.

But I don´t like blood. I usually fall down when I see the blood.

  1. Which job would you never do? Why?

I would never do a job of a teacher. I think it’s very hard. For psychical for example.

A lot of children are wilful and bad. And I couldn´t shout at them.

Teacher has to be nice and uncomplaining, and I´m really not uncomplaining.

  1. What problems do young peple face when looking for a job?

They can´t find any job, because they are rejected. Because they haven´t got any practise and they have to learn new things and it‘s too expensive and hard for employers. So they are looking for people with practise.

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