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- many words are particularly associated with the music world

- examples: chick (girl) jam (improvise) rap (street-talk)

dig (understand) beat (exhausted) square (dull)

- there are many different accents and dialects in British English

- while an accent is just a different way of pronunciation, a dialect includes changes in the language itself (vocabulary,...)

formal and informal english, slang

=> formal English

- formal English is more common in written English than speaking

- it is founded in notices (vyhlášky, zákony), business letters and legal English (“právničina”)

- examples: purchased/bought premises/here apprehend/stop

commence/start resume/start again thus/so

I regret to inform you.../I am sorry to say...

We are unable to grant.../We can’t to give you...

If you require further assistance.../ If you need more help...

=> informal English

- in general informal English is more common in spoken English than written English

- certain types of language are often informal: most uses with get are informal, phrasal verbs and idioms

- examples: fix up/arrange, make reckon/think What’s up?/What’s the matter?

=> slang

- slang is form of very informal language, it is a particular kind of colloquial language

- slang helps to make speech vivid, colourful and interesting, but it can easily be used inappropriately

- although slang is mainly used in speech, it is often found in the popular press

- it can be risky for someone who is not a native speaker to use slang

- examples: expressions for police = pigs, ex. for drunk = pissed, ex. for lavatory = loo, bog, drug-deleted ex. = snow (heroin), grass, prison-related expressions: nick = prison

- it includes words used by particular groups of people (some young people may refer to drugs as “dope”)

- piss off/go away pissed/drunk it’s pissing with rain/it is raining heavily


- open up a world of job opportunities, give your brain a boost, establish deep connections and cross-cultural friendships, get an outsider’s perspective about your own culture, become more interesting and meet more interesting people, stay smart in touristic areas, It builds up your self-confidence, It boosts your creativity

why do people study foreign languages?

- there is possibility to converse with people from other countries or a different nations

- studying another language helps you become more competitive after graduation from school and get a good job

- we need to study foreign languages because of travelling, business commutation , watching films,...


studying foreign languages at school

- in our school, English, German, Russian, Spanish, and Latin are taught

- for this reason we have furniture a language lab, where we have many teaching aids such as a dictionaries, projectors, wall-charts, maps, pictures, textbooks,...

- I have 4 English lessons a week as obligatory subject and 2 English lessons a week as a no obligatory subject,

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