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at our school we have also English Courses such as KET, PET, FCE, CAE

- we have also opportunity to speak with our native speaker from the USA

- methods how to learn new words: use new words in conversation, “flashcards”

where can you study foreign languages in our country?

- In our country we can study foreign languages in language courses with other people, tutoring, correspond with people who live abroad, take lessons from a private teacher

learning a foreign lanuage

- find a partner, talk to yourself, keep it relevant, have fun with it, leave your comfort zone, listen

international exams


- a native teacher: is a teacher who has spoken a particular language since he was a baby

- a teacher: someone whose job is to teach in a school or college

- regular study: we often study (every day, week)

- motivation: enthusiasm for doing something

- good memory: the ability to remember informatics, experiences and people without leasing

- a good text book: is a quality book that contains detailed informatics about subject, for people who are studying it

- talent: a natural ability to be good at something, especially without being taught

- a tape recorder: a device for recording on and playing back magnetic tape

- a DVD film: film which is stored on disk and we can see the film everywhere we can


=> Old English

- 350 - 1100AD

- it was a Germanic language, brought by Anglo - Saxons

- typical words: king, man, woman, work, mother, house, day, water

- 8th century - the Scandinavians influenced English (they, their, them, sky,...)

=> Middle English

- it was influenced by French - words connected with food, government (government, people, army, parliament)

=> Modern English

- spokes is Shakespeare’s period (graffiti - Italian, yogurt - Turkish)

- Czech language influenced English (robot, pistol)

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