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22. Sporting culture in english speaking world

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Possible Extensions for Profile Exam

  • Medieval Football or Mob Football as the for-runner of what would become Rugby Football, Association Football, Aussie Rules and so on.

  • Traditional class association of sports- especially in the UK (Everything is about class)

  • Everything is about class

  • Effect of Sectarianism on sport in Scotland and Ireland.

  • Sectarianism in Glasgow takes the form of religious and political sectarian rivalry between Roman Catholics and Protestants. It is reinforced by the fierce rivalry between Celtic F.C. and Rangers F.C., the two football clubs known as the Old Firm, whose support is traditionally predominantly Catholic and Protestant respectively. A 2003 report for Glasgow City Council indicated that people clearly believe "sectarianism is still prevalent in Glasgow", but that members of the public were divided on the strength of the relationship between football and sectarianism

  • Sport in Commonwealth countries and the Public school link.

  • schoolarships etc. (minorities – only way how to get out of a poverty)

  • the effect of sport on language – sport based Idioms and so on.

  • baseball (invented in the 18th century) possibly from British game (rounders) but many insist it was invented on American soil. Was racially segregated and had some famous corruption scandals

  • basketball (invented by a school teacher in 1891) – sport especially good for Urban America, very popular among Afro-Americans.

  • the morality of Boxing/ cheerleading.

  • Fifa and corruption in sport.

  • FIFA corruption – in the wake of the corruption case, it was reported that in 2008 the general secretary of FIFA, Jérôme Valcke was alleged to have transferred $10 million that had been given to FIFA by Danny Jordaan, president of the South African Football Association, to accounts controlled by Jack Warner, then head of CONCACAF

  • Teams will make it to FIFA

  • The effect of commercialisation of sports on new and traditional fan bases.

  • our results show that the growing commercialisation and global expansion of football are having negative effects on the emotional relationship between fans and clubs

  • fans feel that global marketing has pushed them out of the national focus of the clubs and they also fear a loss of fan culture and traditions

  • commercialism distorts the original reasons for sport — fun, exercise, socialization, community, character-building, etc. and leads to the “profit-at-all-costs” mentality which is at the root of many of the problems in sport today - even at the youth level

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