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25. Global issues

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  • are problems common for all people in the world – there are many problemes all over the world like:


  • because of GW icebergs are melting, rainforests are dying and farms are turning into deserts

  • the planet is becoming warmer because of humans who caused the increase with carbon from cars and factories

  • the GREENHOUSE EFFECT and a HOLE IN THE OZON LAYER are related to this topic

    • the GHE: is when the atmosphere gets too hot and air warmed by the Sun gets trapped close to the ground and can’t escape → it‘s caused by carbon

    • a HITOL: lets the strong sunlight through the ozon layer to the Earth which can cause cancer in humans

DEFORESTATION (kácení lesů)

  • is dangerous because:

  • rainforests produce oxygen which is important for humans

  • and they are homes for many plants and animals

  • rainforests also help catch water and give it back to the Earth in the form of clouds → which brings us water


  • poverty is a worldwide problem especially in African countries

  • people living in poverty often commit crimes to get some food for their families which leads to unsafe cities

  • poverty also leads to famine and starvation

  • poor countries also don’t have a good health care system which leads to population with many diseases

FAMINE (hladomor)

  • more than 2 bilion peole suffer from famine and every year many people die because of hunger

  • it’s mainly in Africa where are war conflicts and people don’t have enough food because of it


  • there are many diseases which threaten us f.ex.: bird flu, plague, malaria and others

  • perhaps the biggest threat is virus HIV which causes AIDS

    • there are many people infected and they don’t even know about it because at firts it has quiet symptom

    • HIV is infectious by blood, through sexual contact or by sharing drug needles

NATURAL DISASTERSearthquakes, floods, tsunami, hurricanes

PROBLEMS OF BIG CITIESair pollution, high cost of living, traffic and crime


  • there are many ways I can help the environment

  • I can use special light bulbs, turn off the Tv o when I’m not paying attention to it → to save electricity

  • I can ride my bike or walk instead of taking the car or the bus → to save petrol

  • and I can recycle paper, glass, and plastic

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