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5 Education in the Czech Republic, GB, Our school

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Education is very important, especially for young people, who want to study abroad, at university, have a well-paid job, etc. Educational system is different in every country (and today I am going to talk about education in the Czech Republic, in the UK and in the USA)


In the Czech Republic we go first to a kindergarten. Kindergartens are not compulsory for the 2 first years, but we have to go there one year before our first year at primary school. Kindergartens are for children from age 3 to 6. Children usually play there with toys, or they have some fun activities.

After our last year at kindergarten, we must go to a primary school. Primary schools are for the children from age 6 to 15 and they are compulsory. At primary schools we have 9 grades (1st is for 6-7 years old children, …, 9th for 14-15 years old children). We have basic subjects like math, Czech, English, history, geography, physics, chemistry, etc. Every year we get 2 school reports. We have 2 terms – the first term is at the end of January and the second is at the end of June – our teachers value our achievement in both terms.

After primary school we can go to a secondary school. It’s not compulsory and we start to go there at the age 15.

We have different types of secondary schools:

  • grammar schools - these schools are especially for the children, who want to study at university in their future.

  • specialised schools - children at special schools have different compulsory subjects than children at grammar schools. At the end of their studies, they have final exam and they can get special license (VET certificate gain qualification in a different field).

  • vocational schools - education designed to provide vocational education or technical skills required to complete the tasks of a particular and specific job.

Secondary schools last usually 4 years, which means we end secondary school at the age 18 or 19.

After secondary schools some people want to go to university (usually we have to pay fee).


Most children start school at the age of 4 but the education is compulsory from age 5 until the age of 18. Primary schools are usually for children aged 4 to 11 and secondary schools are for children aged 11 to 18. Many schools combine the two types of schools so the children can stay at the same school for as long as they can.

The subjects taught at schools are given by National Curriculum. At the age of 11 they have to take national tests - SATs (it checks what they have learned in the past years). When they’re 14 years old, they can choose what subjects for the GCSEs they want to study.

At the age of 16 students take the principal examinations GCSE – General Certificate of Secondary Education. Those who don’t want to study more take GCE. People who want to continue study take GCSE at O level (ordinary). Students can learn more subjects after passing this exam. At 18 students take A-level exam (Advanced level – 2 years courses, preparation for university). It’s the standard examination for entrance to higher education. At both GCSEs and A-levels children are given a qualification certificate and a grade for each subject.

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