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the political system

- the US is a federation consisting of 50 states, one federal district, where you can find the capital, and other territories

- in the Am. democratic system, rights and powers are divided between the individual states and federal government - the federal government has three branches: executive power (the President and Executive office)

legislative power (both house sof Congress)

judiciary power (the Supreme Court and all other Federal courts)

- these three branches are designed to check and balance the others

-> the president's powers - the President is elected for a four year term and may only be elected twice

- the President is the Commander-in-Chief of the Army Forces

- the President also appoints all ambassadors, ministers, and consuls

-> the American Government - each state has its own government and makes its own laws concerning sales taxes,

education, speed limits, environmental protection, unemployment benefits,...

-> two parties dominate American politics – the Democratic Party and the Republican Party

-> the American congress - consists of two houses: the senate and the House of Representatives

- they are both responsible for the drafting and passing of laws, handling matters of

national finance, ensuring the defence of the nation, regulative commerce and admitting

new states to the Union.

The United States Capitol Pentagon

The White House The Mall

The Lincoln Memorial Jefferson Memorial

Supreme Court Arlington National Cemetery

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