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6. The USA

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The largest rivers are the Mississippi and the Missouri. The Great Lakes like Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Eire and Superior, are found on the US border with Canada. Between the lakes Eire and Ontario there are the Niagara Falls. It is very popular destination for tourists.

The climate is mostly continental, temperate but it also varies from arctic in Alaska to tropical in Hawaii and in the south of Florida. There are also semi-arid areas in the west, and arid conditions in the southwest (deserts).

The US economy is one of the richest economies in the world. We can find almost all branches of industry there. The main industries are steel, automobile, aircraft, machinery, clothing and electronics. The US is rich in coal, gas, petroleum, gold, silver, copper, iron. Agriculture also plays important part in the economy. The main agricultural products are corn, fruits, vegetables, cotton and tobacco.

Baseball America’s favourite pastime. It is a bat and ball sport. A person hits a ball thrown at them and tries to run around a playing field called a diamond.
American football requires players to run with an egg shaped ball over the line of the opposition. Players wear protective padding and helmets.
Another popular sport is basketball.

In 1492 Spanish sent Christopher Columbus to discover the New World. On 4th July 1776 was adapted the Declaration of independence. In 18 century civil war between the North and the South. Slavery was abolished. The presidents of USA were JF Kennedy, Ronald Reagan Bill Clinton, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, George Bush.

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