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6. Youth culture - P

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Advantages and disadvantages of being young
Being young has many advantages:
- You have all your life ahead of you, you can make plans and decide what you want to do in the future – máš celý život pred sebou, môžeš si robiť plány a rozhodnúť sa, čo chceš robiť v budúcnosti.
- If you want to, you can travel abroad, find a job or study – ak chceš, môžeš cestovať do zahraničia, nájsť si prácu alebo študovať
- You don’t have to think about your children because you don’t have any – nemusíš myslieť na svoje deti, pretože nemáš žiadne
- You have your freedom – máš svoju slobodu
Being young can also have some disadvantages. For example:
- it is more difficult to find a job because you don’t have enough experience – je ťažšie nájsť si prácu, pretože nemáš dosť skúseností
- if you study and go to school, you don’t have your own money – you are dependent on your parents and family – ak študuješ a chodíš do školy, nemáš svoje vlastné peniaze – si závislý na svojich rodičoch a rodine
- you can’t buy your own flat, house or what you want because you don’t have your own money – nemôžeš si kúpiť svoj vlastný byt, dom alebo čo chceš, pretože nemáš svoje vlastné peniaze
- older people don’t understand you – they have different opinions – starší ľudia ti nerozumejú – oni majú odlišné názory

There are two groups of young people. The first group is formed by teenagers in the age of 15-20. These people aren’t children no more, but not yet adults. They attend school and they still live with their parents. It is quite simple to influence them. They are influenced by parents, friends and of course by society. They only want to find themselves, their lifestyle and their place in society. They want to form their personality and want to find their own style. They like to experiment with their image. They experiment with their clothes very often. There are lot of reasons for it, for example if they want to fit in with friends and imitate them. They are usually members of groups of young people, which have their own rules and their members have to keep them. They can be dressed in one style, for example punk or rock style (they can wear leather clothes or disrupted jeans; they can have tattoos or piercing). They want to be members of these groups, because they want to show their independence. The most frequently reason is that they have problems at home. They are arguing with parents. Their parents are too strict and they don’t understand to each other. For these people is very dangerous to be in these groups. They are quite simply to influence and they can get easy to drugs, alcohol or violence. That’s the reason why parents should talk with their children about everything. They should obtain (získať) their confidence (dôvera) and they should have understanding for them, if they want to protect them.


to dress nicely – pekne sa obliekať
to wear - nosiť
brand name clothing – značkové oblečenie
clothing like Nike, Puma… - oblečenie ako Nike, Puma…
they like being fit and attractive – majú radi byť fit a atraktívni
slim - chudý
to look fit – vyzerať fit
muscles - svaly
girls are often on diets – dievčatá často držia diétu
to loose weight - schudnúť
hairstyle - účes
dye hair – zafarbiť si vlasy
use - používať
mousse - pena
after-shave – výrobky po holení (pena, voda…)
tattoos - tetovanie
independent - nezávislý
respected - rešpektovaný
freedom - sloboda
criticism - kritika
they don’t like to be told what to do – nemajú radi, keď sa im hovorí, čo majú robiť
dream - snívať
plans for future – plány do budúcnosti
spend time – stráviť čas
friendship - priateľstvo
important - dôležitý
on the other hand - na druhej strane
nowadays – v dnešnej dobe
cheeky - drzý
rude - drzý
impolite - neslušný
to care about other people – starať sa o (záležať na) iných ľuďoch
lazy - lenivý
other people – iní ľudia
interesting - zaujímavý
exciting - vzrušujúci
fast - rýchlo
develop - vyvinúť
well-educated – dobre vzdelaný
experience - skúsenosť
self-confident - sebavedomý
goal – cieľ
try – pokúsiť sa, skúsiť
reach - dosiahnuť
hardworking - usilovný
opportunity - príležitosť
work abroad – pracovať v zahraničí
foreign countries – cudzie krajiny
foreign language – cudzí jazyk
earn money – zarobiť peniaze
gain experience – získať skúsenosti
difficult – ťažký, náročný
enough work experience – dosť pracovných skúseností
few job opportunities – málo pracovných príležitostí
afford - dovoliť si (napr. kúpiť byt, cestovať…)
career - kariéra
get married – oženiť sa / vydať sa
they share chores – delia si domáce povinnosti
husband - manžel
on a maternity leave – na materskej dovolenke
if - ak
go out – ísť von
with - s
invention - vynález
gadget – šikovná vecička, prístroj, malý mechanizmus, hračka (napr. MP3…)
imagine – predstaviť si
without - bez
they are used to – sú zvyknutí
Internet banking – internetové bankovníctvo
to find - nájsť
advantages – výhody
disadvantages - nevýhody
face problems – čeliť problémom
drugs - droby
become addicted to alcohol and drugs – stať sa závislým na alkohole a drogách
curious - zvedavý
ruin - zruinovať
generation problems – generačné problémy
between - medzi
understand - rozumieť
the way – spôsob (the way they dress – spôsob akým sa obliekajú)
consider - považovať
old-fashioned - staromódny
despise – pohŕdať (niekým, niečím)
much worse than themselves - oveľa horší ako oni
the same age – v rovnakom veku
feel - cítiť
treat them as equals – zaobchádzať s nimi ako so seberovnými
talk - rozprávať
enough experience – dosť skúseností

Témata, do kterých materiál patří