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  • Advertising is an important part of the marketing mix.

  • Advertisements inform people about a product or a service and try to persuade (přesvědčit) them to buy it.

  • A company can adverise in different ways, depending on: (záleží na tom:)

    • how much it wishes to spend (kolik chce utratit)

    • the size and type of the target audience (cílová skupina)

  • The target audience is the group of people that advertising campaign is aimed at (je zaměřena)

  • It is the part of the market segment that you choose to target by your advert.

    • for example: housewives on maternity leave, pre-school children, successful businessman and so on.

  • The design and organization of advertising campaigns is usually the job of an advertising agency.

  • The word advertisiments is often shortened to advert or ad.

  • Companies use different media for advertising, which includes for example: TV, RADIO, NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, BILLBOARDS, THE INTERNET, LEAFLETS.

  • The advertisements can be seen, read or heard.

  • Purposes of advertising are:

  1. Information abou a new product

  2. To support or to boost sales (podpořit prodeje)

  3. To warn against desases

  4. To recruit empoees

  • We can advertise our product:

  1. on TV

  2. on the Internet

  3. on magazines

  4. in newspapers

  5. on billboards

  6. on posters

  • The most expensive type is TV

  • You need over 4 milion crowns

  • I think that the cheapest type is Internet

  • If you advertise clothes on snowboard the best way for advertising is advertise it in magazines, which are specialized on snowboards.

  • If you want to know something about your cusomers you can use interviews and questionnaires (dotazníky).

  • highly effective

  • many ways to attract people (songs, celebrities..)

  • expensive

  • many people change channels during commericals


(IN newspapers)

  • cheaper than TV

  • you can carry them

  • sometimes people just skip the ad-page


(ON billboards)

  • it is huge

  • every driver can see them

  • many people hate them, because they distract drivers (rozptylují řidiče)

  • can be destroyed by vandals


(ON the radio)

  • relatively cheap

  • people can’t see the product – only hear about it


(IN magazines)

  • for specific audience

  • possible artistic creation

  • it takes a while before it is printed

The Internet

(ON the internet)

  • can be quite cheap

  • a lot of people spend time on the internet, so advert see many people

  • there are still people who don’t use the internet

  • there are a lot of ads on the internet, so the users don’t give much attention to them

Témata, do kterých materiál patří