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British and American political systems

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25. British and American political systems

Great Britain

  • Is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch (=a head of the state)

  • The Queen

    • is impartial, she does not rule, acts on advice of her ministers

    • the country is governed, in her name, by the Government

    • today it’s Queen Elizabeth II., in office since 1953

  • The Parliament

    • Consists of the Sovereign (formally) + the House of Lords + the House of Commons

    • The House of Lords

      • Higher, but less powerful, 700 non-elected members

      • Hereditary peers = Lords, or Viscounts, generally those, who’ve inherited their title

      • Life peers = those given the titles for their service in public life, their children do not inherit them

      • Lords spiritual = 2 Archbishops (York, Canterbury) and 24 Bishops

    • The House of Commons

      • Lower, but more powerful, 650 MPs (Members of Parliament)

      • The elections take place at least once in five years

      • Each constituency (a part of Britain) elects one MP

      • The Party, which got the most votes, gets to form the Government (with Prime Minister as its head)

      • 3 main political parties in Britain: the Conservative, the Labour, the Liberal-Democratic

  • Scottish Parliament

    • Democratically elected unicameral legislature located in Edinburgh

    • Its 129 Members cannot decide about foreign policy, only some domestic

  • National Assembly for Wales

    • Democratically elected devoted assembly of 60 Members

    • Can make legislation in Wales without having to consult with the UK Parliament

  • Northern Ireland Assembly

    • Democratically elected unicameral body consisting of 108 Members

    • Has power to legislate in wide area (in such that is not reserved for the UK Parl.)


  • Is a federal republic consisting of 50 states + District of Columbia

  • Each state has slightly different laws, education, taxes and government

  • Each state government has to keep to the Constitution, it sets the basic form of government – 3 Branches (executive = president, legislative = Congress, judicial = Supr. Court)

  • The federal government deals with the Matters concerning the whole USA (foreign affairs, defence, finance)

  • The President

    • Head of the federal government

    • Elected every 4 Years – maximally twice – by a system called the electoral college

    • Each state has a number of electoral college votes, according to the number of Senators and Representatives in the state

    • Is asked to agree with a bill, can veto

  • The Congress (the seat = Capitol Building)

    • America has developed a two-party system: the Democratic and the Republican

    • The House of Representatives

      • Lower, but more important

      • 435 Representatives (Congressmen/women) elected by their states

      • Number of Congressmen elected by one state depends on its size

      • Can decide whether a bill becomes a law

    • The Senate

      • Higher, but less powerful

      • 100 Senators elected by their states

      • Each state has 2 Senators

      • Has to agree with the lower house on order to pass the law to the President

  • The Supreme Court

    • Watches over the President and the Congress – whether they obey the Constitution

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