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British Literature

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17th Century
John Milton wrote Paradise lost and later Paradise regained - epic poems written in blank verse. John Milton was a supporter of Oliver Cromwell.

18th Century
Literature became popular among the middle class, thanks to the rising level of education. Daniel Defoe was a journalist, trader and spy, he is considered to be the creator of the novels. He wrote Robinson Crusoe, Moll Flanders. Jonathan Swift was an Irish satirist, essayist and critic born in Dublin. Jonathan Swift used satire to criticize society. For example Gulliver’s Travels, the Battle of The Books or A modest Proposal. Henry Fielding, a lawyer and a journalist, Henry Fielding wrote The History of Tom Jones, which depicted life in 18th century England.

English Romanticism
Romanticism’s main point is a revolt against reason and a using nature as a source of inspiration. It used many myths and symbols, gothic themes. Many authors looked back in history or used outlaws as their characters. It was caused partly by the industrial revolution and the resulting destruction of nature and the French revolution, which indicated political and social change. Lake Poets were situated in Lake District. Samuel Taylor Coleridge (The rime of the Ancient Mariner – supernatural events that happen during a boring sea trip) and George Gordon Byron who was known as the satanic poet and coined the term: Byronic Hero, which is a proud, mysterious rebel. He based the character on himself. His works include Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, Don Juan. Other authors were Percy Bysshe Shelley – Prometheus Unbound, Mary Shelley – Frankenstein, Walter Scott – Historic novels: Waverley, Ivanhoe, and Rob Roy.

Social Novels (18th – 19th centuries)
Jane Austen wrote social novels, which criticized contemporary society and the position of women. Her works include Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Sense and Sensibility or Persuasion. Brontë sisters: Emily Brontë – Wuthering Heights, Charlotte Brontë – Jane Eyre.

Victorian Literature 1837-1901
At this time, the novels became the leading genre in England. They tend to show difficult lives in which hard work, perseverance and love win at the end. It is quite optimistic and believes that human nature is fundamentally good. Charles Dickens had to work at a factory after his father got thrown into debtors’ prison. He later worked at publishing house and started to write his own work. For example Pickwick papers, Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, A Christmas carol. Other writers of that period: Robert Luis Stevenson The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Treasure Island, Oscar Wilde who was a homosexual Irish writer and poet. His only novel is the picture of Dorian Gray and his most famous play is The importance of being Earnest. Arthur Conan Doyle - Sherlock Holmes series. Lewis Carol – Alice in Wonderland, Rudyard Kipling – The Jungle Book.

British Modernism
It lamented the senselessness of WW1. Many people harbored feelings of betrayal, they believed in the institutions but it ended in a conflict. They tried to discover their own answers. British modernism changed not only the content, but also the form. Its characteristics are: free verse experiments, breaking their connection with history, the subjectivity of our world view, celebration of inner strength and individualism, feelings of alienation, loss and despair, sub consciousness, dreams.

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