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British Literature

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James Joyce – Ulysses – it depicts a single day, she uses the stream of consciousness and references many works. Virginia Woolf – Mrs. Dalloway – Also a single day, Mrs. Dalloway starts remembering events in her life while shopping for a party. Uses psychological time. Ezra Pound – The Cantos. William Butler Yeats – The Tower. Henry James – The Portrait of a Lady.

Other 20th century writers
George Bernard Shaw –
Pygmalion – Henry Higgins transforms Liza into a fine lady using his phonetic skills. Aldous Huxley – Brave New World – anti-utopia. D.H. Lawrence – Lady Chatterley’s lover. H.G. Wells – War of the Worlds, Time machine, the invisible man, the island of Dr. Moreau.

Contemporary Literature (2nd half of 20th Ct)
Kingsley Amis – Lucky Jim; William Golding – Lord of the Flies; J.R.R. Tolkien – Lord of the Rings; Arthur C. Clarke – I, Robot; J.K. Rowling – Harry Potter.

Theatre of the Absurd
Tom Stoppard – Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead; Samuel Beckett – Waiting for Godot.

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