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Brno is the second biggest town of the Czech Republic. It is a fair town and a commercial centre. It is the sea of the political and administrative organs of the South Moravian region. Brno is an imporant manufacturing centre.

The leading Brno industries are michanical ingeneering, electrical engeneering and metalworking industries, followed by textile and food industries.

There are six university – college – type schools in Brno: for example the Masaryk university (with its Faculty of Arts, Medical Faculty, Lay Faculty, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Teahcer´s training College), the Agriculture College, the Veterinary College, the Janaček Academy of Performing Arts,, and the Military Academy of A. Zápotocký.

Brno has a lot of theatres and cinemas. The Theatre of the Mrštik Brothers is in Lidická Street. The biggest theatre is the Janáček and very famous also Mahen Theatre. At the Janáček Theatre we can cross a small park.

The centre of downtown Brno is the irregular triangle of the Liberty Square. The nearly Měnín Gate is the only relic of the Brno fotification – now accomodates a collection of historical weapons.

Popular is still ,,Cabbage Market“ where the stalls are full of vegetables, fruits and fresh flowers. In Radnická Street is the group of the oldest buildings.

Some of these building are under reconstruction. The group is dominanted by the Old Town Hall. And here, in the passageway hang from the ceiling the wheel and the stuffed dragon.


The first of two is the Špilberk Hill crowned with Špilberk Castle, a national cultural monument. The castle was built in the second half of the 13th century.

Today Špilberk is the seat of the Museum of the City of Brno. In špilberk you can find also a stylist wine – bar and reataurant.

The Petrov Hill is crowned with Gothic Catedra od St. Peter.

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