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The country is not very rich in raw materials. It used to produce a lot of black coal, brown coal, uranium, kaolin and limeston but recently our economy has been undergoing many changes, and mining and heavy industry are not so important as they used to be. Among its traditional industries are engineering, textile and glass industry.
Traditional exports are cars, cut glass, china, costume, jewellery and beer.

The main items of agriculture are wheet, maiz, sugar-beet, grapes, hops and fruit. The most fertile regions are the valleys along the Elbe and the Morava. Animal production specializes in cattle-breeding and pig breeding. South Bohemia is well-known for its carp-breeding.

Besides Praque there are many other places connected with our history. Impresive castles a chateaux (šatou) like Karlštejn, Hluboká, Orlík, Lednice, Bouzov and Hradec nad Moravicí are frequently visited by lovers of history.
Some historical towns are so unique that they have been inclued in the UNESCO World Hertiage List of Cultural and Natural Monuments (Telč, Český Krumlov).

Some people in the Czech Republic try to live and eat healthily. Everybody should have breakfast every morning. The best possibility are cereals or porridge and yoghurt, fruit juice and a tea. Some people prefer a more usual breakfast: a slice of bread or a roll with butter, ham, cheese, marmalade or honey. Someone likes scrambled eggs.
On the other hand, the Czechs are often in a hurry. Lots of them have no breakfast and in the morning they want to leave home as quickly as possible.
The Czechs like having big lunch. It is the main meal of the day. They have typical Czech meals such as meat with dumplings and sauce or schnitzel with potato.
In the afternoon, they like having something small.
Supper(diner) is made late in the evening and mostly it is not very healthy: toasts, scrambled eggs, pizza or sausages.
Czech women like cooking and baking. They like trying new recipes and cooking programmes on TV are very popular.
Traditional Czech meals are roast pork with sauerkraut and dumplings, and sirloin with cream sauce and dumplings. Czech cuisine is not very healthy because it doesn't use lots of vegetables, but it is tasty and popular with foreigners!(forines)

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