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Business across cultures

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  1. Business across cultures

(Typical parts of business culture, working in another culture, selecting staff to work abroad, what is important when going to work in a foreign country)

In Czech Republic there are a lot of typical parts of business culture. For example, long business lunches where you get to know your customers, or even business dinner. Czech people like to boast about their excellent beer or delicious cuisine such as dumpling with sour cream sauce or roast pork with dumplings and sauerkraut. Very common is also giving small presents for clients. For Czech people are very usual working very long hours as well. In some countries people work only 30 hours a week, whereas we work 40 hours a week. Czech business includes dressing formally, it is not usual for business meeting to arrive in ordinary t-shirt and jeans. Another typical part of business culture is also using people’s first name, when you don’t know the person personally.

Working effectively with different cultures is a necessary skill for anyone in a culturally diverse work environment. Cultural variations in the workplace may differ from simple regional differences, such as varying dialects, to divergent perspectives in religions, productivity, and communication. It may take awhile for you to get used to working with people from different cultures. Before you start working in another culture or country you should get to know their customs, working hours, greeting and most important language. Your personality shouldn’t be scared of discovering new places and people from different nations. You should be talk active, independent and self-confidence. Work on becoming more aware of your words and actions. What seems appropriate to you may not be a cultural norm to another person. Remember that not everyone will come at a discussion from the same angle. Difference in perspective is coming when working with people from different cultures. Don't assume that you are all looking at the issue from the same perspective. Be aware of that there might be differences in addressing a conflict. In some cultures, a face to face conversation might be the norm. For other people, written communication might be more appropriate. When deciding whether to accept a job in another country your personality, family situation and life goals are most important. So you should consider these things before you go work abroad. Choosing a country as a global destination should be a well-researched and well-reasoned choice, because not every country will be a match for you.

Sending staff to work abroad can have many benefits. You get to develop a key member of staff, while having someone you know and trust at the centre of your operations abroad. It’s just as important from the company’s point of view to ensure your employee knows and respects the cultural norms abroad. The right person for an expat role is one who is curious and adaptable. They have to have an interest in foreign cultures and in having new experiences. Someone who doesn’t really care about foreign places and cultures isn’t going to integrate very well with their new colleagues or your business partners. You also need to choose someone who respects rules and hierarchy. There may be some parts in business culture at home, but certain countries are much stricter with their laws and someone who doesn’t respect authority could find themselves in trouble. Cultures are different and someone who doesn’t respect and honour that fact could get in real trouble while working abroad. You can’t expect an employee to land in the middle of a part of your business they don’t understand, in a culture they aren’t familiar with, and right away become productive and make good results. An employee abroad is just like an employee at home; if you want to get the best out of them, you need to provide them with stability, support and opportunities.

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