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  • most inhabitants live near the US – Canadian borders

  • the most popular sport is Ice-hockey

    • other winter sports – curling, ice skating, skiing

  • Canada is divided into 10 provinces and 3 territories

    • Nunavut

      • the northernmost (nejsevernější) and the newest territory

      • inhabited mostly by Inuits

  • Cities


    • the capital city of Canada

    • in Ontario


    • the largest city

    - other large cities:

    Toronto - Toronto´s atraction include the CN Tower

    Winnipeg, Edmonton, Vancouver (winter Olympic games in 2010), Quebec

    Places of interest

    Niagara falls

    • called the Horseshoe Falls

    • major /mejdžr/ (hlavní) tourist attraction

    • on the border with the USA, 49 metres high and 1220 metres wide (more than kilometre)

    Témata, do kterých materiál patří