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English Speaking Countries - Canada

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English Speaking Countries-Canada and Ireland


1) How large is the area of Canada?

Canada is the second largest country in the world.
It covers more than half of the North American continent and a number of islands.
The capital city is Ottawa.

2) Which are the main mountains and which is the highest mountain?

In the West, there are the Rocky Mountain.
The highest mountain is Mt. Logan (6050m high)

3) Which are the largest rivers and lakes? 

There is a lot of lakes,there are thousand of them.
The largest are Lake Erie and Ontario.
Between them are Niagara Falls, Great Bear Lake, Great Slave Lake, Lake Winnipeg are other 
well-known lakes.
The longest river is Mackenzie.

4) What is the climate like?

Canada has mostly a continental climate with warm and sunny summers and long cold winters.
(Kanada má převážně kontinentální podnebí s teplými a slunečnými léty a dlouhými 
chladnými zimami.)
On the Pacific coast the climate is milder, the north, which is mostly uninhabited, has the Artic 
(Na pobřeží Tichého oceánu je klima mírnější, na severu, který je většinou neobydlený)

5) Who were the first settlers? 

The Vikings

6) How large is population and what nationalies does it
    consist of?

Population is about 24 milion people. British,French and European origin.
There are about 300 000 Indians and 20 000 Eskimos.
The Eskimo population lives in the Artic regions and 
Indians live mostly in the villages in the prairies.
Most of French Canadians live in the province of Quebec.
Official language of Canada is English and French.

7) Which are the most important natural resources?

There are large deposits of coal (ložiska uhlí)
iron ore, (železná ruda)
natural gas, (ropa)
cooper, (zemní plyn)
zinc, (zinek)
nickel, (nikl)
lead, (olovo)

8) What kind of goverment is there?

The Queen is represented by the Governor General, but the real head of state is the Prime Minister
Canada has a Federal Parliament consisting of two houses:
the House of Commons (dolní sněmovna)
the Senate

There are two leading parties:
The Liberal Party (liberární strana)
Progressive Conservative Party (progresivní konzervativní strana)

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