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Famous American Presidents

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Famous American Presidents

The Assassination of J.F.K

  • John Fitzgerald Kennedy was one of the more popular presidents

  • Even though he had fought for the human rights (supporting Martin L. King Jr.,...) , he had only managed to make a few laws considering these

  • His wife Jackie was also popular amongst the people of USA

  • He was assassinated on 22. November 1963 during his political trip

  • It happened in Dallas, while JFK, his wife and two other men were driving in a car with an open roof to greet the people

  • It is believed, that it was Harvey Oswald Lee, who had shot the President

  • After the shooting, JFK was taken to the nearest hospital und pronounced dead 30 min later

  • Oswald Lee was arrested and charged with the assassination

  • He denied it and was shot two days later by Jack Ruby

The Watergate Scandal

  • Was a major political scandal that happened in the USA in the 70’

  • The administration of president Richard Nixon – a republican had appointed a bugging of the Democratic Headquarters, located in the Watergate Complex

  • In June 1972 a few of burglars had broken into the Complex and installed bugging devices there

  • They had been discovered and arrested

  • Later it had been found out, that they have had a direct connection to Nixon’s administration

  • This had resulted in the resignation of president Nixon

The Invasion of Iraq

  • The Invasion was a response of George Bush jr. to the terrorist attack on September the 9th 2001

  • He announced the global War on Terrorism, of which the Invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan were parts

  • The troops of USA, UK, Australia and Poland invaded Iraq and deposed the government of Saddam Hussein

  • George W. Bush was relatively popular for the most of his first term, but with the second one his popularity sharply descended

Some other American Presidents

Thomas Jefferson

  • One of the Founding Father of the USA

  • His Declaration of Independence set the modern political and sociological measures (all men are equal…)

  • Founded the University of Virginia, built a house – Monticello,…

Abraham Lincoln

  • Anti-slavery and anti-war president, was elected almost entirely by the north

  • During his term the Civil War took place and he managed to keep the USA united

  • He issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which gave freedom to all the slaves and banned slavery

  • He was assassinated short after the end of the Civil War

Franklin D. Roosevelt

  • Had got elected 4 times

  • Had suffered from polio and had been tied to a wheelchair, the press, however, had respected him, and had held this fact from the public

  • His presidency had begun in the middle of the Great Depression, with many people unemployed, starving, living on the streets

  • To fight that, he had introduced the “New Deal” – a strategy that indeed helped many people to regain their jobs

  • During the WW2 he had worked closely with Winston Churchill

  • He had died shortly after the end of the war, in year 1945

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