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  1. Czech and British cuisine

Task 1: Fill in the gaps with the following words:

gravy bread dumplings cabbage crisps egg goulash carp shepherd´s pie

Traditionally, the main meals of the day are breakfast, lunch and dinner. But in different countries these meals vary.

The Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic, breakfast usually consists of a slice of (1)bread or a roll with cheese or ham, but some people prefer a bowl of cereal with milk or muesli. A typical Czech breakfast drink is tea, but some people have coffee.

The biggest meal of the day is lunch. It is a cooked meal which consists of soup and the main course, usually meat and a side dish. Sometimes the main course is followed by a dessert.

The most popular Czech soups are onion soup, garlic soup and (2)goulash soup. The meat is usually pork, beef, poultry or freshwater fish. As for side dishes, a traditional Czech side dish is dumplings. There are many other side dishes including potatoes, mashed potato, rice and pasta. In Czech cuisine sauces are very popular.

Traditional Czech cuisine is said to be rather heavy and unhealthy. Typical Czech dishes are roast pork with (3cabbage and dumplings, sirloin in creamy sauce served with dumplings, pork schnitzel with potato salad, and potato pancakes. Sweet dishes include pancakes filled with jam and fruit (4) dumplings

Czech dinner is usually a cold meal (e.g. rolls with cheese, salami or eggs), but some people have a hot meal for dinner.

The traditional Czech Christmas dinner consists of fish soup and fried (5 carp with potato salad. People bake various types of Christmas cookies (e.g. vanilla rolls).

The UK

A traditional British breakfast is a very big meal - usually a fried (6) egg served with bacon, sausage, fried tomatoes, mushrooms, beans and toast. But nowadays many people just have cereal with milk, or toast with marmalade, jam or honey. The traditional breakfast drink is tea, which people have with cold milk. Some people drink coffee at breakfast.

For many British people lunch is a quick meal in the middle of the day. Schoolchildren can have a hot meal at school, but many children at school and also adults at work have a 'packed lunch'. This typically consists of a sandwich, a packet of (7)crisps, a piece of fruit and a drink. The 'packed lunch' is kept in a plastic container.

On Sunday, some people still have the traditional Sunday Roast, which is eaten at lunchtime. Traditionally, it consists of roast meat, two different kinds of vegetables and potatoes with a Yorkshire pudding.

In the UK, dinner is the biggest meal of the day, which is eaten either at midday or in the evening. A traditional British dinner is meat and two kinds of vegetables (one is almost always potatoes). They put hot brown (8)cabbage., on the meat and the vegetables. However, this traditional meal is rarely eaten nowadays, a recent survey found that most people in Britain eat curry.

Other typical British dishes include fish and chips and (9) shepherd´s pie

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