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Now I would like to talk about some misconceptions about food. Many people believe that eating fat makes you fat. That is not the case. While it is true that fatty food is very calorie dense and eating at a caloric surplus does make you overweight, the most common cause is drinking soda, which is full of sugar. I never understood why people skip the small fat parts of the meat and then drink a whole bottle of coca cola. Also, I always get mad when the girls only eat the rice or pasta and skip the meat, because in Vietnam meat is very valuable and even the middle class can afford to eat one chicken a week. The rice, potatoes and grains have the most calories anyway. Many people have absolutely no idea what they eat and complain about getting fat. I had to learn a lot about nutrition because of my mother’s diabetes and estimating calories has been a habit I picked up. Then there are people believing that vitamins are automatically good. They usually don’t read the small text on the vitamin supplements, because you can actually get overdosed with them, especially with fat-soluble vitamins such as A or D. That is quite dangerous.

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