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Formal letters

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Formální, obchodní dopisy


To: Amos Price

From: Ondřej Konečný

Date: October 23, 2017

Subject: Re: Job interview

We interviewed a number of candidates for the part-time assistant to work in the warehouse and on the shop floor, however, you gave a poor impression on us.

Initially, I would like to mention your behaviour. Arriving twenty minutes late is not acceptable for our company. Furthermore, while you were waiting at no smoking reception, you smoked. In fact, it is a serious problem – disobeying the command.

The receptionist told me the store layout and staff uniforms were poor.

My next remark is your inappropriate clothes. You looked untidy – stains on shirt and dirty shoes.

At the interview, I found out you do not have a sense of humour. What a pity! However, being rude about some older customers is not an issue for you, apparently. I find it very impolite.

Your impression on us was insufficient and thus, we cannot accept you, unfortunately. We are looking for people who match our job advertisement.

Gold Investments plc

1 Market Street

Lancaster LA1 4RD

1 May 2016

The Managing Director

Barton Renewals

236 Union Road

Blackpool BL3 5GH

Dear Sir / Madam

I am writing with regard to the renovation at our company. I was rapturous to watch your workers doing their job under supervision of workforce by foremen. Let me tell you how capable and helpful they were. The work was always done on time and they did not leave a mark after the work, either. As our staff informed me the workers had met all possible staff’s requests. They did not ask for anything and anytime during their own work. Overall, they behaved friendly, punctual, responsibly and worked hard. I appreciate both the attitude and the approach of the workers.

In conclusion, I have the pleasure to tell you how reliable your employees are. I will not hesitate to contact you if I need any more help in our company. The cooperation offer holds likewise.

Yours faithfully

Ondřej Konečný

Ondřej Konečný

Senior Maintenance Officer

Dear Ms Deville

I am interested in your offer. According to the survey that was taken in our city in summer 2010, young people in the age groups of 16+ would like to increase the number of sport activities.

The great staff is well-evaluated, however, they complain about the lack of specialization in their job – we might need courses for them.

The main hall is in need of a renovation. We could renew it and buy new equipment such as nets, rackets, balls, benches, renew showers or even reconstruct the running track. The youth has a plan to install showers because they think that it is a necessity and not a luxury. They also wish to change the wall-colour or draw some pictures onto walls to make it more lively.

In addition, I will definitely contact you and inform you without hesitation. I am very grateful and thankful for such a given opportunity. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,


Help-organiser of summer activities for young people

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