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Game of Thrones (text)

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Sansa Stark - the eldest daughter of Ned and Catelyn Stark, naive widow of Ramsay Bolton

Arya Stark - the youngest daughter of Ned and Catelyne Stark, later trained as a Faceless Man by Jaqen H'ghar

Theon Greyjoy - son of Balon Greyjoy, later busted by Ramsay Bolton

Joffrey Baratheon - sadistic son of Cersei and Jaime Lannister and former ruler of the Seven Kingdoms

Catelyn Stark - affectionate wife of Ned Stark

Ned Stark - the former Lord of the North, the most righteous man in Westeros

Samwell Tarly - well-educated and insightful steward in the Night's Watch

Tywin Lannister - the former arrogant and powerful Lord of Casterly Rock

Jaqen H'ghar - the mysterious Faceless Man of Braavos

Davos Seaworth - qualified Hand of the Stannis Baratheon

Melisandre (the Red Woman) - devoted Red Priestess in the religion of the Lord of Light

Margaery Tyrell - former wife of Joffrey and Tommen Baratheon, twofaced descendant of Mace Tyrell

Stannis Baratheon - aggressive former successor of the Seven Kingdoms

Brienne of Tarth - stubborn female knight, guardian of Sansa Stark

Ramsay Bolton - perverse bastard of Roose Bolton, former King of the North

Ellaria Sand - revengeful widow of Oberyn Martell, current ruler of Dorne

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