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Great Britain - City of importance

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Cambridge is a university city and the county town in England, Cambridge became an important trading centre during the Roman and Viking ages, and there is archaeological evidence of settlement in the area as early as the Bronze Age.

Cambridge is home to the world-renowned University of Cambridge, which was founded in 1209.[5] The university includes the Cambridge University Library, one of the largest legal deposit libraries in the world. The city's skyline is dominated by several college buildings


Birmingham is a city and metropolitan borough in England. It is the largest and most populous British city outside London.

Its metropolitan economy is the second largest in the United Kingdom and its six universities make it the largest centre of higher education in the country outside London

Birmingham's sporting heritage can be felt worldwide, with the concept of the Football League and tennis both originating from the city. Its most successful football club Aston Villa has won seven league titles.

People from Birmingham are called Brummies.


Liverpool is a city in England.

The popularity of The Beatles and other groups contributes to Liverpool's status as a tourist destination. Liverpool is also the home of two Premier League football clubs, Liverpool and Everton,

Several areas of the city centre were granted World Heritage Site status by UNESCO in 2004. The city is also home to the oldest Black African community in the country and the oldest Chinese community in Europe.


Manchester is a city in England,

Manchester is the third-most visited city in the UK, after London and Edinburgh.[13] It is notable for its architecture, culture, musical exports, media links, scientific and engineering output, social impact, sports clubs and transport connections. Manchester Liverpool Road railway station was the world's first inter-city passenger railway station and scientists first split the atom.


Oxford is a city in the South of England .

The city is known worldwide as the home of the University of Oxford, the oldest university in the English-speaking world.[9] Buildings in Oxford demonstrate notable examples of every English architectural period since the late Saxon period. Oxford is known as the "city of dreaming spires".

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