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Holiday, festivals, traditions

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After Christmas Day comes Boxing Day – 26 December. It originates from the word “box”.

Nowadays it is an important day for sports events and the start of after-Christmas sales.

Traditions – most important is giving presents, decorating Christmas tree, families decorate their houses, singing the carols – sometimes carol-singers can be heard on the streets as they collect money for charity.

c) US: Christmas in USA is similar to Christmas in UK.

In USA Christmas is more commercial than all over the world.

SIMILARITIES: Christmas are all over the world family time full of food, lights and decorations, presents and good mood.

4. New Year:

a) CZ: On New Year’s Eve at the midnight people set off fireworks and propose a toast with champagne.

New Year’s Day is also day of Establishment of CZ in 1993.

b) UK: On New Year´s Eve (31st December) people gather and celebrate. At midnight the

poeple sing Auld Lang Syne

People traditionally take a shower in the fountains on Trafalgar Square.

c) US: same as in CZ.

SIMILARITIES: Everywhere i tis celebrated on the same date, it is full of celebrations and fireworks. Many adults drink alcohol.


  • vymyslet

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