Man and Environment
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Environment has many definitions. We can use it when we talking about social environment or environment of a lake, but in this topic I am going to talk about environment as everything that surrounds us (all living and non-living things including things that are human made).
Air pollution
We live in a world where people daily commute by cars and city transport, factories emit pollutants into air and our electricity is majorly produced by burning fossil fuels. This affects the atmosphere very much. As a result this causes harm or discomfort to humans and other living organisms and it also causes damage to the environment. The substance in the air that causes air pollution is known as an air pollutant. Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is the main pollutant that is warming Earth. It is widely considered to be a pollutant when associated with cars, planes, power plants, and other human activities that involve the burning of fossil fuels such as gasoline and natural gas. In the past 150 years, such activities have pumped enough carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to raise its levels higher than they have been for hundreds of thousands of years. Another pollutant associated with climate change is sulphur dioxide, a component of smog.
Sulphur dioxide is known primarily as a cause of acid rain. But it also reflects light when released in the atmosphere, which keeps sunlight out and causes Earth to cool. Industrialized countries have worked to reduce levels of sulphur dioxide, smog, and smoke in order to improve people's health. But a result, not predicted until recently, is that the lower sulphur dioxide levels may actually make global warming worse.
What can we do?
On a personal level, driving and flying less, recycling, and conservation reduces a person’s "carbon footprint"—the amount of carbon dioxide a person is responsible for putting into the atmosphere. On a larger scale, governments are taking measures to limit emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. One way is through the Kyoto Protocol, an agreement between countries that they will cut back on carbon dioxide emissions. Another method is to put taxes on carbon emissions or higher taxes on gasoline.
Water pollution
Water covers over 70% of the Earth’s surface and is a very important resource for people and the environment. Having drinking water every day is something that we find very natural, but the fact is that in developing countries usually at least 50% of the population doesn’t have access to clear water. Water pollution affects water bodies (which is a term referring to ponds, rivers, lakes and oceans and groundwater all over the world). This consequently harms human health and the natural environment.
Although water pollution is more connected with developing countries even developed countries such as the USA struggle with it. Around 40% of water bodies in the USA are considered to be polluted. The water pollutants are chemicals, garbage, and sewage water.