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New York

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Flushing Meadows Park is world known for its tennis championships.

NY has 4 airports, including the largest, J.F.K. It also has the largest subway system in the world and one of the most dangerous

New York is also known as the „Melting Pot „ because of its cosmopolitan society. More than 80 languages are now spoken there. Spanish is the second most common language after English.


Washington, D.C., is not in Washington State. The state of Washington is on the west coast, while the city of Washington D.C. is on the east coast, on Potomac River. D.C. stands for the District of Columbia. It is the seat of the federal government of the United State and the national capital of the USA.

Washington is a planned city, which means it was designed by an architect. D.C. is a square, ten miles on each side, with the corners exactly north- south and east – west. Streets running north – south are numbered and those running east – west are lettered. The cupola of the U.S. Capitol is in the centre of the square.

Places to visit in Washington include:

The Capitol – the seat of the American government. It has two parts – the Senate and the House of Representatives. Between them is a cupola.

White House – home to every president and his family since 1800. It burned down in 1814 and was rebuilt. Five rooms are opened to the public.

The President’s office is known as the Oval Office.

Pentagon – this five – sided building contains the U.S. Department of Defence.

Smithsonian Institute – a large museum of science and technology and natural history.

Library of Congress – the building, which contains the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

Space Museum – a museum that contains the first airplane, built by the Wright Brothers, a life – size model of the rocket, which went to the moon as well as moon rocks. A film of the moon landing is shown on a five – story screen.

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