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The Czech Republic lies in the middle of Europe
It borders on Germany, Poland, the Slovak Republic and Austria.
The area of the Czech Republic is about 80 000 sq kilometers and its population is about 10 milion inhabitants. The major nationality is Czech, but there live many minorities – the Poles, the Germans, the Slovaks, the Vietnamese and the Gypsies.

The landscape of our country is variad. The border of Bohemia is lined by Šumava mountains, the Ore, the Jizera, the Luž mountains, the Giant and the Eagle mountains.
Bohemia and Moravia are separated by the Bohemian – Moravian Highlands. In the north of Moravia you can visit the Jeseníky and the Beskydy Mountains. The highest mountain is Sněžka (1602 m).

The longest rivers are the Vltava and the Elbe (folowing into the North Sea), the Oder (the Baltic Sea) and the Morava (the Danube and the Black Sea). South Bohemia is rich in ponds – Rožmberk.

The climate in our country is mild (moderate), continental, with quite cold winters and hot summers.

The Czech Republic came into existece on 1 January 1993 after the separation of Czechoslovakia. The Czech government with the ministries is the main executive power, the Czech Parliament which consist of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate is the main legislative body. The main political parties are the Social Democratic Party, ANO 2011, Freedom and direct democracy party and the Civic Democratic Party.

The Czech republic is memeber of many international organisations – world trade organisation, NATO and on 1 May 2004 it became a member of the European Union.

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