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In the neighbourhood of the Castle on Petřín Hill the Strahov Monastery (founded in the 12th century) is located. Nearby the Petřín Observation Tower can be found. It was built for the Jubilee Exhibition in 1891 as a copy of the Eiffel Tower. There is also a fabulous mirror maze. You can use the funicular railway to go on Petřín.

Along Charles Street we can get to the Old Town Square, the centre of the Old Town. Old Town Hall is the best known building on the square. Tourists come to see an Astronomical Clock with statue of the Apostles on the tower. The visual dominant of the Square is the Týn Church where Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe was buried. The John Huss monument can be found on the centre of the square.

Paris Street takes us to the Jewish Town. The Jewish community originated in Prague as early as the 10th century. The Old-New Synagogue and cemetery have remained to the present.

Wenceslas Square is the heart of New Town. It is a 750 meters long boulevard, lined with banks, department stores, boutiques, shops, hotels, restaurants, theatres and cinemas. The neo-renaissance building of the National museum closes the upper part of the square. It was built in end of 19th century and now it contains historical and natural collections. In the upper part of the square stands the St. Wenceslas Memorial. It is a bronze equestrian statue of prince Wenceslas made by J.V.Myslbek.

On Vltava’s right bank there is the most beautiful Neo-Renaissance building, the National Theatre. Its foundation stone was laid in 1868 and finished after 30 years. It was built according to plans of architect Zítek. The new building caught fire by an accident and burnt out nearly to the ground. In short time it was rebuilt. Many excellent artists like Myslbek, Hynais, Aleš, Ženíšek etc. took part in its decoration.

Charles Bridge is the oldest stone bridge in Europe. It had been constructed from 1357 to 1400. Until 1841, this was the only bridge to connect old street of Prague. It also played an very important role as the trade route between East and West zone of Prague. At first, it was called just "Stone Bridge" or "Praha Bridge." But it had the name of "Charles Bridge" since 1870. The bridge is 516 meters in length and 10 meters in width. Also, it has 16 arches. At a railing of the bridge, there are thirty sculptures of saint who are famous in the Bible and History. Except the sculpture of "Jan Hus", all of sculptures are made of sandstone. Some sculptures were made in the "Age of Baroque" but most of sculptures were imitated. There has been legend in this bridge. If a person touches the statue of Sanctus Loannes Nepomucenus saying the hope, the hope will come true. This is because Nepomucenus was the confessor of the queen of Bohemia. But one day king wanted to know what the queen confessed. This was because the king had a doubt that the queen had an affair with other guy. However, Nepomucenus did not tell anything to king and resisted to the bitter end. So the king made Nepomucenus fall in the river. So Nepomucenus got drowned. However, He was respected as the Saint right after his death.

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