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Maturitní otázka z angličtiny vypracovaná s otázkami bez souvislých textů.

12) Would you buy clothes in a second hand shop?

I like buy clothes in a second hand shops. 
There it is more cheaper. 
Sometimes I founded really good clothes. 
It has to be good second hand. 

13) How is it possible to do the shopping and save money?

We can buy cheaper food, don’t buy clothes for fashion every day, be carefully to clothes or shoes.
Don’t buy a alcohol and cigaret's everyday.

14) Explain various possibilities how to pay for goods.

We can pay for cash or by card. (Credit and debit card.)
On the internet with internet payment.

15) How does the internet shopping work?

We choose thing, give to the shopping cart, pay and wait for the box with thing some days.

Témata, do kterých materiál patří