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Shopping and Fashion

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Unfortunately, shopping has some disadvantages and dangers. One of them is ´´shopaholicism´´ = an addiction to shopping in excess. Often people who are obsessed with fashion and feel the need to be always buying new things (mostly clothes, shoes, accessories), even though they might not even use/wear them after the purchase. It is caused by seemingly infinite supply of different goods; influenced by fashion; aided by the common usage of credit cards which enable their holders to purchase items of almost any price, despite the consumers´ inability to afford them → credit represents an easy way to acquire things instantly without having to physically pay for them and, therefore, creates an illusion of unlimited possibilities. ´´Shopaholicism´´ leads to serious problems and complications such as debt → should be treated.

The wearing of clothing is exclusively a human characteristic and is a feature of most human societies. It is not known when humans began wearing clothes. Anthropologists believe that animal skins and vegetation were adapted into coverings as protection from cold, heat and rain, especially as humans migrated to new climates; alternatively, covering may have been invented first for other purposes, such as magic, decoration, cult, or prestige, and later found to be practical as well.

I personally don’t follow any trends or styles and just wear tshirts and jeans. I used to wear shirts and vests about 2 years ago, but I can’t do now because I lost a lot of weight and most of them don’t fit anymore.

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