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The Czech Republic

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The Czech Republic

  • is situated in Central Europe

  • borders on Germany in the West, Poland in the North, Slovakia in the East, Austria in the South

  • han’t got sea

  • has three parts: Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia

  • is located in the temperate climatic zone with 4 seasons – spring, summer, autumn, winter

  • is influenced in the continental and oceanic climate and especially by the altitude


  • The Czech Republic has a population of about ten million

  • There are lot of national minorities, for example: Romanies, Vietnamese, Slovaks


Mountain Ranges: Giant Mountains (Krkonoše), Krušné Mountains, Šumava range

Rivers: Vltava, Labe, Morava

The largest pond is Rožmberk.

The largest natural lake is Black Lake.

National parks are Šumava, Krkonoše, Podyjí, České Švýcarsko

We can find lowlands along the rivers. The biggest is Polabská Lowland.


The underground is only in Prague.

The Czech Railways is the major Czech railway company.

The biggest airport is in the Prague – Václava Havla airport.

We have highways, for example: D1, D2, D3, D5, D8, D11.

Important cities:

Prague – is a capital city with long and important history.

Pilsen – was a city of culture for year 2015, there is a Pilsen Prazdroj Beer.

Brno – is important for motorbike and there is a Vila Tugendhat and Špilberk.

Karlsbad – is important for International film festival in July.


What is the highest mountain in Czech Republic?

  • The highest mountain in Czech Republic is Sněžka with 1602 metres. Sněžka is in the Giant Mountains in the North of the Czech Republic

What are the biggest cities?

  • The biggest city is a Prague. Other big cities are Brno, Ostrava, Plzeň,...

What are some of the products the Czech Republic exports?

  • The Czech Republic exports for example ceramics products, beer – Pilsen Prazdroj, Budwaiser Budvar, cars – Škoda and Huyndai, Becherovka, Mattoni,...

My region

  • my region is located in Karlovy Vary region

  • Karlovy Vary region is located in the West of the Czech Republic

Geography: There are Krušné Mountains, Slavkovský forest and Český les, Doupovské Mountains.

The biggest river is Ohře, other rivers are Teplá, Rolava.

The are also reservoirs such as Jesenice, Skalka.

Karlovy Vary region is famous for balneology.


There is highway D6.

In Olšová Vrata is an airport.

Karlovy Vary is just 20km from the Czech Republic’s border on Germany at Boží Dar.


Carlsbad – is a spa city. There are hot springs. It was founded by Emperor Charles IV about 1350.

Mariensbad and Františkovy Lázně – is a spa city.

Jáchymov – is a spa city. Jáchymov is a radon spa. There is Mine Svnornost where are four springs. Spa houses are Radium Palace, Curie, Běhounek, Agricola, Astoria and others.


Carlsbad is important for International film festival in July.

Mariensbad is important for Fryderyk Chopin festival.

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