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The Czech Republic - anglická verze

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South Bohemia is known for its large and numerous ponds. Freshwater fish are farmed there, primarily carp. The largest pond, Rožumberk, was artificially created in the 15th and 16th centuries, it covers an area of approximately 479 hectares.

The Czech Republic has a large number of spas. Spa services have a long tradition. They are visited by healthy as wellas sick people from our country and from abroad. Among the most famous are Karlovy Vary, Františkovy Lázně , Jánské Lázně. Other important spas can be found in Moravia – Luhačovice and Velké Losiny.

The Czech Republic has seventy seven districts (including Prague). Nevertheless, the number of country settlements keeps on increasing. The largest city in the Czech Republic is Prague (1,2 million inhabitants), other large cities are Brno (390 000 inhabitants), Ostrava (330000 inhabitants), Plzeň (175,000 inhabitants), Liberec (101000 inhabitants), Olomouc (106000 inhabitants(, Hradec Králové (100000 inhabitants), Ústí nad Labem (99000 inhabitants), České Budějovice (99000 inhabitants) and Pardubice )95000 inhabitants).

Our country is rich in minerals. Black and brown coal, lignite, sand for glass-making, etc., are mined there. Traditionally the main industrial area has been located in the northern part of the country. After the year 1948 industry developed in the southern and castern regions as well. Among the prominent industrial cities are Prague, Brno, Ostrava, Kladno, Plzeň, Sokolov, Karlovy Vary, Most, LItvínov, Chomutov, Teplice, Ústí nad Labem, etc.

Fuel and energy industries are very well developed in the Czech Republic. To produce energy, thermal power stations (e.g. Tušimice, Chvaletice, Počerady, Mělník), nuclear power plants (Dukovany and Temelín) and hydroelectric power plants (Lipno, Orlík, Slapy, Dalešice) are used.

Other industries include mettalurgy (Ostrava, Kladno areas), the machine tool industries(Brno, Plzeň, Prague), chemical industry (Litvínov, Ústí nad LAbem), building industry, consumer industry, food industry, and other sorts of industry. Czech beer brewing (Plzeň) and wine making (South Moravia) have a long tradition and popularity both at home and abroad.

The lowlands are important for agriculture and crop farming. The most extensive Czech lowland is Polabská. ¨The land along the banks of the river Morava is very fertile. Agricultural production serves to feed the people of the republic. Our country is self-sufficient in food production.

In the lowlands the following heat-loving crops are grown – sugar beet, sunflowers, sweet corn, fruits and vegetables. Poultry is also kept there. In the more elevated areas turnips, barley and wheat are grown. In the highlands mainly potatoes and some types of grain (rye and oats) are grown. Pigs and sheep are bred here. In mountain areas highland cattle are reared.

The most frequently used form of transportation is by rail and by road, representing approx. 98,5% of total transportation. After these air transportation and, quite rarely, river transport are used.

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